Moderating Effect of Employee Engagement on the Relationship Between Collective Bargaining Activity and Employee Performance among Doctors in Public Service Health Sector in Nairobi, Kenya

Authors: Nyakiba, Agnes Ongiri1, James Muya2 and Phylisters Daizy Matula3 1&2School of Business and Economics, Department of Business Administration, Kisii University, P.O.BOX, 408-40200, Kisii. KENYA. Co. Author Email: 3Department of Educational Administration and Planning, University of Nairobi, P.O.BOX, 92-00906, Nairobi Abstract: Collective bargaining activity and employee engagement have become critical partners in influencing employee […]

Influence of Informal Group Financial Welfare Contributions on the Social Networks and Social Capital among the Jua Kali Artisans in Nairobi

Stella Moraa Omari School of Business and Economics, Kisii University P.O. box 408 Kisii 40200 Kenya. Abstract The informal sector in Kenya contributes immensely to the economic development and activities of the nation. This sector is well placed in ensuring that the sustainable development goals are achieved as the country pushes forward towards the […]