Moderating Effect of Employee Engagement on the Relationship Between Collective Bargaining Activity and Employee Performance among Doctors in Public Service Health Sector in Nairobi, Kenya

Authors: Nyakiba, Agnes Ongiri1, James Muya2 and Phylisters Daizy Matula3
1&2School of Business and Economics, Department of Business Administration,
Kisii University, P.O.BOX, 408-40200, Kisii. KENYA.
Co. Author Email:
3Department of Educational Administration and Planning,
University of Nairobi, P.O.BOX, 92-00906, Nairobi

Abstract: Collective bargaining activity and employee engagement have become critical partners in influencing employee performance. The main objective of the study was to establish the influence of collective bargaining activity on employee performance as moderated by employee engagement: A case of doctors in public service health sector in Nairobi County, Kenya. The target population comprised 789 medical doctors and 21 top managers. Probability technique’s stratified sampling was used to classify the population into various strata based on specialization while simple random sampling was employed to select 327 doctors to avoid bias, while non-probability technique’s purposive sampling was used to select 21 top managers. The study utilized a mixed methods research approach, pragmatism worldview, convergent parallel mixed methods design and mixed methods procedure was used to collect, analyze and interpret data. A self-constructed structured questionnaire was used to gather quantitative data from doctors while interview guide collected qualitative data from top management. Instruments’ reliability was established using Cronbach alpha coefficient, and validity was determined through content validity index and factor analysis. Descriptive (means & standard deviation)and inferential (Pearson correlation and regression analysis)statistical tools were used for quantitative data analysis, aided by SPSS (Version 26.0), while qualitative data were thematically analyzed and presented using text. The study found that collective bargaining and employee engagement had a positive and significant influence on doctors’ performance. The findings are expected to contribute to the existing database and policies on collective bargaining activity, employee engagement and employee performance.

Keywords: Collective Bargaining Activity, Employee Engagement, Employee Performance, Doctors, top management, Public Service Health Sector

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Suggested Citation

Nyakiba, A. O., Muya, J. and Matula, P.D. (2024) Moderating Effect of Employee Engagement on the Relationship Between Collective Bargaining Activity and Employee Performance Among Doctors in Public Service Health Sector in Nairobi, Kenya. African Research Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 11(2), 46-65. Doi:

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