A Review of Students’ Admission Policies for Quality Assurance and Quality Education in Kenyan Universities

African Research Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 5(3), 2018 Author: Jane Kemunto Nyabuti University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, PO Box 2500, Eldoret, Kenya E-mail of the Author: jane.kemunto66@gmail.com Abstract: This paper is a review to identify policy interventions that improve education quality. Ultimately, the review is focused on effectiveness of student admission policies in […]

Investigating the Challenges of Student Centered Learning in Higher Education Institutions in Eritrea

African Research Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 4(3), 2017 Ghiorgis Tekle* and Hagos Fesshaye** College of Business and Economics – Halhale, Eritrea *Assistant professor in Economics; Corresponding author e-mail: Tekleg234@gmail.com **Lecturer in Economics, e-mail: hagosfisha@gmail.com Abstract: The mode of teaching and learning followed by the HEIs in Eritrea are dominantly teacher-led, as opposed to […]