Effect of Service Quality on Student Satisfaction in Higher Education in Mozambique

African Research Journal of Education and Social Sciences, Vol. 10 (2), 26-36, 2023

Author: Estácio Dinazarte Omar Rajá
Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique
Avenida Julius Nyerere, Nr. 3453, Campus Universitário Principal, Maputo, Moçambique

Email: estacio.raja@uem.ac.mz

Abstract: In the increasingly competitive higher education market, institutions are adopting a market-oriented approach that places students as the key customers. Service quality has emerged as a crucial factor in enhancing the competitive performance of higher education institutions (HEIs) by positively influencing student satisfaction. This study examined the effect of university service quality on student satisfaction with Mozambican public and private HEIs. Using a descriptive and analytical approach, a quantitative analysis was conducted based on a survey of 402 students attending HEI courses in Mozambique. The study used survey questionnaire to gather information directly from the participants. The data analysis involved a series of statistical tests, including multivariate regression, bivariate analysis, ANOVA tests, and exploratory factor analysis.The study found a statistically significant positive impact of university service quality on student satisfaction, where the independent variables explained a significant portion of the variance in student satisfaction. Notably, the dimensions of teaching quality, administrative services, social environment, and curricula demonstrated the most significant impact on student satisfaction. Empirical evidence from the Mozambican context supports the significance of university service quality in student satisfaction and the overall institutional experience. HEI managers should prioritize offering high-quality services emphisizing giving on teaching quality and well-designed curricula is crucial. Furthermore, a special attention should be given to the social environment and positive student experiences with administrative services. Balancing investments in tangible assets is necessary, as they may not be as influential in students’ academic performance as teaching quality and well-structured academic programs.

Keywords: competitive higher education market, service quality, higher education institutions, student satisfaction,  higher education institutions, Mozambique higher education

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About Author

The author is an assistant lecturer on undergraduate and post-graduate programmes in Business Management for the Faculty of Economics since 2000, in the following subjects: Marketing Management, Service Marketing and Marketing Research. The academic qualification of the author is a master’s degree in business management. Currently is doing is PhD thesis in the field of Marketing at Eduardo Mondlane University.

Suggested Citation

Rajá, E.D.O (2023). Effect of Service Quality on Student Satisfaction in Higher Education in Mozambique. African Research Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 10(2), 26-36. Available at http://arjess.org/education-research/effect-of-service-quality-on-student-satisfaction-in-higher-education-in-mozambique.pdf

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