African Research Journal of Education and Social Sciences, Vol. 10 (1), 20-36, 2023
Authors: Kabanga Grace Wairimu1, Nicholas W. Twoli2 & Michael Muchoki Waititu3
12&3Department of Educational Communication and Technology Kenyatta University,
P.O Box, 43844, 00100, Nairobi, Kenya
The employment of cooperative learning as an instructional method across different countries has exhibited positive outcomes in learners’ academic achievement. The study intended to establish the comparison of the academic achievement between cooperative learning and non-cooperative learning strategies in chemistry among secondary school students in Murang’a county, Kenya. The study was carried out in Kangema Sub-County, Murang’a County, applied a quasi-experimental design. The target population was Form 3 students. Purposive sampling was employed to select four schools to arrive at two control and two experimental groups. The study employed a sample size of 198 students. Data collection instruments included students’ pre and post-achievement tests. Data was analysed using SPSS package and presented using tables, pie charts and bar graphs. The study established that there was a significant difference between learners taught using cooperative learning and those taught using non-cooperative learning with the former showing improved academic achievement. There was significant increase in the post-intervention mean score posted by students in the experimental groups. This is not the case in the control groups. For instance, the percentage increase in the mean score in School A between pre and post-data is 38.50%. A similar increase is noted in School B at 49.70%. On the contrary, both the two control groups posted a fall in their students’ mean scores with School C posting a 0.47% and School D posting a 2.05% decline in their mean score performance respectively. The significant improvement demonstrated can be attributed to the discussions held among learners in learning Chemistry. The study concludes that cooperative learning strategy is more effective than non-cooperative strategy in teaching Chemistry. The study thus recommends that the ministry of education should enact and implement a policy that facilitates the integration of cooperative learning as one of the primary teaching methods. The government should train teachers on use of cooperative learning in teaching Chemistry.
Keywords: Cooperative learning, Academic Achievement, Non-Cooperative Learning Strategies, Non-cooperative learning, Cooperative learning strategies, Learning Strategies, Chemistry Learning Strategies
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Suggested Citation
Kabanga G. W., Twoli, N.W. & Muchoki, W.M. (2023). Comparison of the Academic Achievement between Cooperative Learning and Non-Cooperative Learning Strategies in Chemistry among Students in Murang’a County, Kenya. African Research Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 10(1), 20-36. Available online at