The Impact of Business Intelligence on Enhancing Tax Compliance in Kenya: A Comprehensive Analysis

Authors: Michael M. Gichuki1, Martin Oleche2 and Cliff Ooga Obwogi3 1&3National Defence University-Kenya, P.O. Box 24381- 00502, NAIROBI, KENYA Co. Author Email: 2The University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 30197-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Email: ABSTRACT: The research in this paper seeks to understand the effects of Business Intelligence (BI) on tax compliance in Kenya, particularly […]

Moderating Effect of Employee Engagement on the Relationship Between Collective Bargaining Activity and Employee Performance among Doctors in Public Service Health Sector in Nairobi, Kenya

Authors: Nyakiba, Agnes Ongiri1, James Muya2 and Phylisters Daizy Matula3 1&2School of Business and Economics, Department of Business Administration, Kisii University, P.O.BOX, 408-40200, Kisii. KENYA. Co. Author Email: 3Department of Educational Administration and Planning, University of Nairobi, P.O.BOX, 92-00906, Nairobi Abstract: Collective bargaining activity and employee engagement have become critical partners in influencing employee […]

Trauma Exposure and Socio-Demographic Risk Factors for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Secondary School Students in Samburu West, Kenya

Authors: Eliakim K. Silgich, Phillip O. Nying’uro and Cliff Obwogi 1&3National Defence University-Kenya, P.O. Box 24381- 00502, NAIROBI, KENYA Co. Author Email: 2The University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 30197-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Email: Abstract: The relationship between trauma exposure and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms among secondary school students in Samburu West, Kenya was […]

Communal Cohesion Effect on Fraternal Living Among Priests in the Catholic Diocese of Meru, Kenya

Ereneo Mutiria Marangu,  Daniel M. Kitonga,  Geoffrey Muhuri Spirituality and Religious Formation, Tangaza University, PO BOX 15055-00509, Nairobi Corresponding email: Abstract: This study examined the African value of communal life and fraternity among priests in the Catholic Diocese of Meru, Kenya. Specifically, the study examined how communal cohesion affects fraternal living among priests in […]

Childhood Emotional Abuse and Neglect as Determinants of Marital Relationship Quality among Married Members of an Evangelical Church in Nairobi, Kenya

Authors: Purity Kendi, Stella Nyagwencha & Naomi Nyarigoti United States International University-Africa P.O. Box 14634 – 00800, Nairobi, Kenya Email: Abstract: Emotional neglect or abuse is known to be one of the most common forms of adverse childhood experiences, which is defined as the failure of caregivers to meet the psychological needs of a […]

Examining the relationship between PTSD symptoms among female Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) survivors and various forms of IPV in Nairobi County, Kenya

Edna Grace Wendo Chawiyah, Ruthie Rono and Munyae Mulinge United States International University – Africa, P.O. Box 14634 – 00800, Nairobi, Kenya Author for correspondence Email: Abstract: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a challenge in the worldthat impacts people’s mental health across different demographics. This study investigated the relationship between thesymptoms of PTSDamong female […]

Influence of Health Exercise on Reducing Stress among Pastors’ Wives in Pentecostal Churches in Laikipia County, Kenya

Authors: Phinehas Ng’ang’a Kamande and Florence S. A. K’Okul Department of Psychology (Counseling Psychology) Mount Kenya University, P. O. Box 342-01000, Thika, Kenya Co-responding Author Email:   Abstract: Pastors’ wives are an  important group of people in the society ;they are not only looked upon by their families and congregations for inspiration but they […]

Impact of Sand Harvesting on the Olkeriai Riverine Environment in Mashuuru, Kajiado County in Kenya

Authors: Lepolis Maen Lesinko, Frida Nyiva Mutui & Evans Wabwire The Catholic University of Eastern Africa P.O BOX 62157-00200 Nairobi, Kenya Corresponding Author Abstract: Sand harvesting is widespread, highly unregulated, uncontrolled and is being carried out at an alarming rate. The gravity of the situation beyond the affected communities and the region at large […]


PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN ALLOCATION OF NATIONAL GOVERNMENT CONSTITUENCY DEVELOPMENT FUNDS: A CASE OF DAGORETTI SOUTH CONSTITUENCY, NAIROBI, KENYA Author: Mugambi Gitonga Co-Authors:  Jonathan Omuchesi and  John Mwai Theuri   Abstract: In Kenya, public participation in NG-CDF-funded projects is required to maintain openness and good governance in the administration of public resources. The study sought to […]

Socio-Economic Impacts of Sugarcane Production from 1900 to 2020 in Bungoma County, Kenya

Authors: Jeniphar A. Amukoya, Melvine C. Lilechi & Kennedy M. Moindi  The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, P. O. BOX 62157-00200 Nairobi Author Email: Abstract: Sugarcane production has played an important role in influencing farmers social and economic status over the years. This study interrogated the Socio-Economic Impact of Sugarcane Production from 1900 to […]